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Dental Flossing FAQ’s

Dental Flossing
Wisdom Tooth Surgery
Cysts of the Jaws
Root Canal Treatment
Dental Fillings
Gum Problems
Dental Extractions
Pecancerous Conditions of the Mouth
Temporomandibular Joint Problems
Sinus-Lift Surgery
Cosmetic Gum Surgery
Dental Crowns & Bridges
Submucous Fibrosis

1. What happens if you don't floss?

If you do not floss and allow plaque to remain in between teeth it eventually hardens into a substance known as tartar. Unlike plaque which can be easily removed by brushing, tartar can only be removed by your dentist.

Over time, levels of more dangerous types of bacteria build up within tartar. Mean and vengeful, these bacteria produce toxins which irritate and inflame the gums. This condition is known as gingivitis. If gingivitis is left untreated it can progress to periodontal disease - a condition where bacteria and their toxins invade not only the gums but also the bones and the structures supporting the teeth. This can lead to bone loss, loose teeth, and teeth which fall out.

We recommend Glide or any other coated dental floss because they slide easily between teeth. However, any floss that you can get between your teeth and which does not fray or break easily is good.

Alternatively, if you don't like using dental floss, consider an interdental cleaner (electric flosser) which makes flossing easy and convenient.

If you haven't flossed in a while, you may see a little red tinge of blood on the floss after you use it. This indicates that your gums are slightly inflamed and vastly in need of flossing to remove bacteria. With a regular regimen of flossing this red tinge should go away.

By brushing and flossing we help to eliminate the bacteria which can lead to bad breath, gingivitis, and periodontal disease thus creating smiles which last a lifetime.


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